Saturday, August 20, 2005

Homestar Runner

I love Homestar Runner!!! Morph This is one of my favorite websites!!
It is absolutely hilarious!! If you are going to check this website out, you have to check out the Strong Bad e-mails. Strong Bad is this really obnoxious character with 2 brothers ( Strong Mad- a wrestler type character who mostly just yells Yelling and Strong Sad- an elephant-like character who suffers from severe melancholia Depressed ) So the point of SB e-mails is fans of the website send e-mails to a given address (I've done this once) and if by pure dumb luck you get picked, Strong Bad will obnoxiously answer your e-mail in a weekly episode of SB e-mail, which are mostly very funny. Another very good part of Homestar Runner is Teen Girl Squad. They don't make new episodes anymore but you can still watch the old ones in the toons section. They are very funny if you like slapstick comedy drawn in pencil. And last but not least, in the characters page, The Poopsmith. Watch his character video in the characters section. What can I tell you about the poopsmith before you go to the website? Well, I guess I would have to say

"The poopsmith is a good guy. He just has a crappy job."

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