Saturday, January 21, 2006

Teenage-Instant Messenger Speak

Sometime last week, me and my dad were e-mailing back and forth while I was in homeroom, waitning for lunchtime. My dearest CSG had just said that he would see if he could come to church with me (ugh, i just got one of those dumb pop-ups again) on the sunday night of the Family Rally (he was busy and didn't) but I was asking dad if we could pick him up if he ended up coming. When he said yes I left the following response-

yay! thanks dad! g2g. lunchtime! luv u.

My father did not understand this at all and just assumed that he was getting old (not at all dad, you're getting more youthful by the instant) and that i had said something good. As Liz interpreted it-

"Goodie! Thank you, Father! I must be going now. It is time for luncheon.

I couldn't have said it better my self.

My student 9HE teacher was amazed at how Instant Messenger has revolutionized the Englis language. Well, i dunno about that, but we do like to abbreviate stuff. I am a true IMer bcuz i use im spk outsd of pln ol im lol. (not quite to that extent) I do use my abbreviations outside of the Instant Messenger though. It makes life a lot easier.

I must be departing from thee now. I hath only seven minutes remaining on my session. Fare thee well all. Kiss, kiss. Hug, hug. I wil converse with you at a later time and date. Make a note with my secretary on the way out.


g2g y'all. 7 mins left. bye. ttyl.


MotherT said...

Becky, I'm older than your dad, and I understood what you were "talking" about! I think your dad may have just been too busy to really read what you said. Oh, by the way, IMese is very bad for your spelling!!

MotherT said...

Oh, I forgot to mention, your birthday countdown has me scared!! I'm not sure that my trees and roof are sturdy enough to handle your driving!!! lol