Thirteen Classes I Can Look Forward To Starting in Fall '09 at *drumroll* Marietta College
THEA 101: Theatre Appreciation: Theatre appreciation is a study of live theatre and how it is produced,how it has developed historically and culturally, andhow it is evaluated and analyzed. This course examines theatreas a collaborative art form by focusing on the viewpoints of itsimage-makers (playwright, actor, director, producer, anddesigners). Participation in the creation of art helps enable anappreciation of that art form. Hence, students in this coursewill have hands-on experience in the production of live theatre.In addition, students will learn to critically evaluate dramatictexts and performance.
- THEA 103: Play Production: Stagecraft: Theory and practice of scenery construction, lighting, andproperties. Laboratory work on College productions.
- THEA 106: Acting I: Course provides students with an introduction to acting.Emphasizes the use of body, voice, and intellect to communicaterealistic characters. Mechanics of acting and characterdevelopment are explored through improvisation and scenework.
- THEA 125, 225: Acting Practicum: Credit for effective acting in public performances, determinedby committee of Marietta College Theatre Arts faculty. Actingexperience may be accumulated for credit over several semesters;registration is after the credit has been earned.
- THEA 266: Auditioning: Auditioning introduces students to the audition as a form andprovides intensive practice in preparation and presentation ofauditions in a variety of formats. The course also requires studentsto prepare resumes for specific employment purposes, tochoose appropriate head shots for auditioning, to practice avariety of callback formats, and to audition for professionalemployment. (Also listed as Music 266.)
- THEA 307: World Dramatic Literature: Reading course in great world drama from Aeschylus to Ibsen.Offered alternate years.
- THEA 308: Modern European Drama: Reading course in European drama from Ibsen to Ionesco.Offered alternate years.
- THEA 310: American Drama: Reading course in America drama from beginnings to present.Offered alternate years.
- THEA 310: Contemporary Drama: Reading course in contemporary drama. Includes prepared oralreading in class. Offered alternate years.
- THEA 350: Topics in Dramatic Literature: An in-depth examination of a special topic in dramatic literature.Topics may include, but are not limited to, Irish drama,Gay drama, and Renaissance drama.Prerequisite: Upper class standing
- THEA 354: Comedy Workshop: This course provides students with a broad range of experiencesto develop their improvisational skills. Exercises focuson physical comedy and on the writing, performance, and evaluationof comic scenarios. Scene work during the semesterprovides students with the specific skills associated with periodcomedy, particularly comedy of manners, farce, and bedroomfarce. Prerequisite: Theatre 206 or permission of theinstructor.
- THEA 397: Theatre Internship: It is expected that this internship will be a summer or other offcampustheatre experience approved in advance by the Directorof Theatre. Credit can be taken either during the summer orduring the following academic year upon completion of appropriatedocumentation.
- THEA 481: Research Methods: Students will be expected to undertake and successfully completea project intended to demonstrate their mastery of skills inone or more areas of theatre. Appropriate projects mayinclude—but need not be limited to—directing a production;designing sets, lights, or costumes for a mainstage production;presenting a one-person performance; researching, preparing,and presenting a lecture-demonstration on some aspect of theatre;or completing a traditional large-scale research project onsome aspect of theatre.
(Note: All courses and descriptions were taken from here)
All of these sound very interesting! Good luck!
Good luck. I'm all for higher education, as long as I don't have to return to college :)
Those classes sound like a lot of fun. Nice list! Happy TT!
Remember May is National Military Appreciation Month!
The only Theatre class I took was appreciation, but I enjoyed it. Best of luck!
AAAAAuuuuuuuggghhhh!! (That was actually because of my back - not at you. But you said we could yell; so I did. Have your eardrums stopped ringing yet? [ See what happens when you let the smartalec loose in the comments section...] ;-> )
Looks like you've got a good game plan! Just remember to sprinkle in courses about history, literature, and possibly a basic psychology course. Actors, like writers, describe the human condition. It's an incredibly rich tapestry. You'll be studying human behavior your whole life, in order to better bring it into your craft. (It's a bona fide excuse to people-watch. You're not slacking - you're researching!!)
A very ambitious, yet interesting, course of action. Good luck with the scholarships and your future career!
I want to go to your school too!!! I loved taking drama and theatre courses in university. I almost considered going to a specialized theatre school, but decided to stay home and I got married instead.
Best of luck this fall. And have fun!
This is not a boring list. The topic is important for you, and that makes it interesting.
I have to admit, I would die in most of these classes. You couldn't pay me enough to get me up on to any kind of stage. But I wish you good luck with it and I hope it will all work out as you hope.
Better you than me;)
I loved theater classes in college, so much fun! You'll love it too...Best of everything!
Stay focused! :-)
Lyn from Bloggin' Outloud
Education is never boring. Good luck on the scholarships. May there be plenty! I also like the "What the Muffin?" in your banner. LOL too true.
Wow, you're going to be one busy person :)
Sounds interesting, makes me want to go back to college.
Happy TT and thanks for dropping by mine.
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